User Experience (UX) research is a critical aspect of video game design that can significantly…

50 Best Twitter Feeds to Follow Educational Gaming
It always seems like the media and parent groups want to rush after video games in a flurry of pitchforks and torches for the allegedly horrendous influence they hold over the youth of today. Debate is great, of course, but in reality, gaming actually holds some amazing, engaging benefits perfect for the educational setting. Game-based learning continues fascinating edtech enthusiasts, who eagerly flock to social media to share their developments, research, designs, and strategies. And a few of them are listed here in no particular order.
- Kevin Corbett: One of the Web’s foremost elearning experts expounds upon intersections between technology and education — which include plenty of forays into game-based learning, of course.
- Top Kids Apps: The Fun Educational Apps blog — and, of course, its accompanying Twitter — covers the best applications for edutainment available on the iDevices.
- David Miller: Kuato Studios’ chief learning architect maintains a fabulous microblog crammed with amazing content about how gaming might very well alter the shape of education forever. And the better!
- Gamification: It may not update as often as some followers might like, but this microblog still provides excellent, current information about the latest research into gamification in education, advertising, and other industries. Be sure to check out the wiki as well.
- Laura Minnigerode: This Austin-based education policy expert discusses new media and gaming in both the classroom and the political sphere.
- ClassroomAid: Follow ClassroomAid for some carefully-curated resources and commentary on technology in education, with special emphasis on gaming.
- Jokaydia: Exploring Virtual Worlds and other immersive digital realms provides seemingly endless learning opportunities in formal and informal learning environments alike.
- Andrew Miller: Andrew Miller stands as an expert on edtech, and gaming and gamification both factor heavily into his content and consulting.
- EdGamer: Check EdGamer’s official Twitter for information about when their latest podcasts on — what else? — educational gaming have been posted, as well as the occasional article and commentary snippet of interest.
- Cynthia D’Angelo: With a Ph.D. in science education and a love of researching gaming’s classroom potential, Cynthia D’Angelo offers up an intelligent Twitter feed about where things might go from here.
- DML Central: The Digital Media and Learning Research Hub at University of California might not exclusively look at the gamification of education, but the subject definitely factors into their studies!
- GameDesk: GameDesk focuses on all components of digital learning, though incorporating play into the mix ranks as one of the organization’s highest priorities.
- Games in Education: Despite its sluggish update pace, this feed remains an essential follow, as it covers the annual Games in Education symposium.
- Tracie Hightower: She hopes to bring together educators and developers alike for great discussions about gaming’s potential to nurse classroom success.
- Brian McLaren: Game-based learning and education technology a-go-go; that’s all anyone really needs to know about this highly informative Twitter feed!
- Sara M Grimes: University of Toronto assistant professor Sara M. Grimes specializes in harnessing technology, including (especially) games in the interest of teaching younger kids.
- MIT Education Arcade: Like its name implies, the MIT Education Arcade works tirelessly to explore the hows, whats, wheres, and whys behind the gamification of the classroom.
- John Rutherford: The co-developer of the what2learn educational gaming initiative weighs in on a wide variety of topics related to technology and learning.
- Seann Dikkers: Ohio University edtech guru Seann Dikkers loves discussing and sharing all things related to how gaming can engage and educate students of all ages.
- For the Win: For the Win promotes “serious gamification” and peers into the roles games play in learning and other industries.
- Institute of Play: Another initiative devoted to cranking out amazing, engaging digital games to keep users learning throughout the experience.
- Eric Klopfer: This MIT professor loves finding new ways to blend technology and education into one effective system, and that includes gaming.
- Diana Dell, Ph.D: Consult this microblog for detailed information about all things edtech and game-based learning from an expert in the field.
- STEPlab: MIT’s Scheller Teacher Education Program encourages MIT students to develop and use gaming and simulation technologies for educational use.
- Peggy Sheehy: She thinks Blizzard’s popular MMO franchise World of Warcraft (not to mention other games, of course!) possesses some excellent classroom applications, and she’s not afraid to show it!
- Greg Toppo/USA Today: Hear what USA Today’s K-12 education writer makes of the latest news and views regarding digital learning strategies such as gaming.
- Randall Fujimoto: Catch up on updated news, research, and commentary regarding game-based learning, augmented reality, and other edtech topics and trends.
- Dean Groom: Give Dean Groom a follow when looking for more information about his various edtech exploits, which include exploring game-based learning and solving accessibility issues.
- S. Johnston-Robinett: This mom and game-based learning enthusiast (she hopes to design and develop her own contributions someday!) enthusiastically shares her favorite relevant content and shares opinions on the future of gamification.
- Jane McGonigal: Jane McGonigal’s research delves deeply into the myriad ways in which games build lives and skills, and that of course includes its educational applications.
- Gameful: Hit up Gameful, launched by McGonigal up there, and participate in a community wholly devoted to the game-based learning cause.
- Second Avenue Learning: Check out what this super cool studio is currently cooking up in the name of furthering the educational gaming cause!
- Camilla Elliott: Game-based learning discussions understandably cover the classroom for the most part, but the library undoubtedly benefits from these strategies as well.
- Cooney Center: Part of the Sesame Workshop, the Cooney Center researches the best techniques for bringing digital media to eager young minds, and that includes educational gaming!
- Melanie McBride: Melanie McBride at Ryerson University specializes in pedagogy and game-based learning, particularly methods to encourage independent and outside-the-classroom studies.
- Helen Routledge: The instructional design manager at PIXELearning weighs in on both her company’s efforts as well as game-based education in general.
- Grid Jumper: Open, even sandbox-style, digital environments such as Second Life provide amazing and unexpected educational opportunities for those willing to explore their seemingly boundless potential.
- Sean C. Duncan: As an assistant professor of Learning Sciences at Indiana University, Sean C. Duncan knows a thing or two about gamifying classrooms, and he shares his research and other relevant information here.
- Paul Ladley: Gain insight into the design and development side of education games through this blogger and all-around useful edtech guy.
- Mary Couzin: For the most part, this feed only tweets articles about gaming and education from around the web, with very little personal content. Still, though, it remains a popular resource with a lot of interesting things to share.
- Filament Games: Education and learning science meets game development, and Filament Games hopes to provide today and tomorrow’s students with
- Raul A. Mojica: Along with games, this digital media lover also believes math activities and virtual environments such as Second Life serve a grand purpose in the classroom.
- J Way: Because she works as both a teacher and a librarian, Judith Way definitely knows of different creative ways to utilize gaming in multiple educational settings.
- Michelle A. Hoyle: Another World of Warcraft devotee eager to share and learn all about how MMOs engage students and teachers alike in an immersive environment.
- Digital Play: Read up on game-based learning strategies in English language classes in 140 characters or less right here.
- Mission V: Limerick-based Mission V experiments with gamification in 20 primary-level classrooms, chronicling what works and what doesn’t.
- Lisa Dawley: Give Lisa Dawley a follow when searching for expert advice and opinions about online education, game-based learning, and other edtech strategies catching on in today’s classrooms.
- Lucky Kat TV: Educational games and videos are the name of the game at Lucky Kat TV, a great site for kids covering numerous subjects and skills.
- Epistemic Games: Epistemic Games’ core output involves creating digital strategies to help ease the transition between schooling and the workplace.
- Simulation & Gaming: While not exclusively about game-based learning, this journal’s online presence frequently peers towards current research and possible futures all the same.
Written by: Staff Writers at Online University
Posted by: Situated Research
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